The Future of Cloud Computing is Underwater Data Center – CIO Applications

The Future of Cloud Computing is Underwater Data Center – CIO Applications

Fremont, CA: We have experienced something genuinely innovative in the world of cloud computing and data management with undersea data centers, as bizarre as the concept may appear on the surface. In today’s world, cloud computing is an essential component of every software solutions provider. At the same time, there has been a surge in demand for cloud computing. The growing use of cloud computing is backed up by some staggering statistics. It establishes once and for all that cloud computing is not a fad but rather a technology that is here to stay and revolutionize.

Insufficiency of Space Above Ground

The space above the earth is finite and rapidly filling up. As a result, a different solution is required. Such land areas, nevertheless, are unlikely to be filled in the next ten years. There is, without a doubt, a stronger case to be made for the widespread use of subterranean water.

Increased Effectiveness Because of Fewer Failures

Another common argument that makes a case for undersea data centers more viable in the future is the increased efficiency. Land-based data centers, for example, are plagued by corrosion caused by oxygen and technical failure caused by human involvement. Furthermore, while the cooling system utilizing nitrogen-filled containers works well underwater, it does not work as well on land.

Serving a Larger Number of Customers for Less Money

One of the compelling reasons that corporations such as Amazon and Google may be forced to seriously consider undersea data centers is the size of the population they will serve. People living within a 120-mile radius of the coasts have increased significantly in recent decades, and this trend is likely to continue. Given the aforementioned circumstances, investing in tiny portions of data centers underwater for increased data flow and lower costs will be a profitable proposition.
